Monday, August 6, 2007

Woot! Some Finished Pieces!

I actually finished a couple of pieces this weekend! I'm so thrilled with myself! They are a bit slapdash but these are pieces that are headed out to BurningMan so details are not a concern :)

The two pieces completed are the wrap dress and wrap-around pants. Seaming and finishing on both are simply serged - no hems, no topstiching, no facings, no bindings.

I had to add about 1 inch to the wrap dress skirt to get the fit I wanted. That was a simple split down the pattern center. I'm glad I traced it out onto tracing paper! I can now go back and retrace with the adjustment. The wrap dress is rather sheer but its geared for bare coverage and minimum added heat LOL

The wrap-around pants were easy-peasy! I added about an inch all around the edges but once made up it wasn't necessary, the fit & coverage would have been fine without it. Maybe 2 hours cut out & construction time. Again, I merely serged the seams and all around the raw edges. This pair I made up in some light brown crinkle gauze. I plan on knocking out a second pair but these will be a bit more labor intensive. The second pair will be from black crochet-like lace fabric. The front wrap is just lace while the back fabric is similar lace but has small sequins scattered thru out. I thought it would be a cool subtle but sparkly item for night wear on the playa :)

I'm 99.9% finished with Cherie's costume too :) I am having issues with where to tuck the power pack for the el-wire around the neckline. This is a design flaw I didn't take into consideration :( However, its fixable with an extention wire so I can drop the power cord down along side the zipper (on the inside of course) and make a "power pocket" to hold battery & pack on the skirt where it flairs out. I'm holding off ordering until I get further along with Chris' costume in case I've made the same error in design. I hope to have both done by the end of the week so I can ship it out to them. They are finally in one place for a few days LOL

Pictures to come later today :)